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Quality Test and Data Analysis


New Technology Associates, Inc.

SPC-Blue is an advanced statistical processing control system thatincorporates OSF/Motif and X Window System technology. SPC-Blue version2.0 brings users unparalleled ease-of-use, both for the initial systemconfiguration and for routine use. Simple object-oriented menus guide thedefinition and configuration process, making this phase fast andpainless. At the same time, it's menus scheme results in a degree ofuser-friendliness not usually found in statistical process controlsoftware.Features of SPC-Blue include: automatic data collection; electronicdigital gauge interfaces; bar code data input; automatic warning alarms;full network support; short run deviation from target specifications; SQLrelational database and SPC report generator; full audit trail for data;assignable cause; simple import and export of characteristic data; andmost standard variable and attribute charts.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.3

New Technology Associates, Inc.
123 NW 4th St Suite 414
Evansville, IN 47708
Phone: (812) 422-4525
Fax: (812) 422-4560